Shams Bahabib Is Mason’s February 2015 Employee of the Month

As a college freshman, Shams Bahabib began working in George Mason University's Volgenau School of Engineering during her first week of classes.
 Shams Bahabib in the Office of Student Services at the Volgenau School of Engineering
She continued to work at Volgenau during all four years of her undergraduate studies, until she received her BS in 2010. But Susan Brionez, office manager for the Office of Undergraduate Student Services at Volgenau, says she and her colleagues didn't want to see Bahabib go.
"As her graduation grew near, we knew that keeping her would be a big asset to us, as she knew our policies and procedures, and was a quick study," says Brionez.
Now Bahabib serves as a full-time education support specialist in the Office of Undergraduate Student Services.
Bahabib's job requires her to speak to disgruntled students and find solutions to their problems. Even when dealing with upset students, she manages to keep a positive attitude and to provide as much support as possible.
"Often students are agitated due to miscommunication, so I first try to figure out why they came to our office," says Bahabib. "After figuring out the situation, I can clearly explain the next appropriate steps."
Bahabib credits her co-workers and boss for the way they all work well together. She continues to support the George Mason community with pride, and will likely do so for years to come.
"It's nice to know that I'm contributing back to the community that built me," she adds.
Bahabib was formally presented with this award by President Ángel Cabrera in his office on the fifth floor of Merten Hall on Tuesday, Feb. 3. 
A version of this story by Keosha Quigley appeared on the Mason News Desk on Monday, Feb. 2.