Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
College of Engineering and Computing
Contact Information
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering Building
Room 5327
Mail Stop: 4A5
Personal Websites
Arun Sood is co-director of the International Cyber Center at George Mason University. His areas of interest are secure architectures, intrusion tolerance and resilience, image analysis and computer vision, optimization, parallel
and distributed processing, secure and high availability systems, performance modeling, relational database machines, and simulation and modeling.
2012 - 2015 : Proactive Cyber Attack Deterrence: Extending Self Cleansing Intrusion Tolerance to Compute Rich Nodes. Funded by Office of Naval Research.
2013 - 2014 : Virginia Global Defense Initiative-Cybersecurity Exports and Trade. Funded by Virginia Economic Development Partnership.
2014 - 2014 : A Survey and Taxonomy on the Roots of Trust in Cyber-Physical Systems. Funded by Cyber Security Research Alliance.
- BS, Indian Institute of Technology
- MS, Carnegie-Mellon University
- PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University